Autobiography - Cataplexia Numbers

NOTE: Cat has requested that her post is NOT included in the contest. She has also added another 2k to the pot, making the winning post worth 4k! 

How long have you been in the virtual world?

I have been in the virtual world seventeen years, beginning with SL.

How long have you been in OS?

I first came to Open Sim about 8 years ago starting in GCG, then buying land in Kitely   

How long have you been in AMV?  

I came to this grid when i started going out with Cliff, though we had met many years before in InWorldz (were next door neighbors). A few days into our relationship, he was telling me about a grid he was starting which consisted of about 3 regions at the time called V World. 

As our relationship blossomed we decided to pool our efforts. I had 11 regions on OSW I had created and moved them here, changing the name to Alternate Metaverse, after a long list of businesses I had started many years before on Second life, around 2007.   

I cant count all the regions i have so lets just say i have a grid  😄

When people visit your regions, what is one thing you hope they experience? 

I hope they can manage to experience all of the beauty, serenity, adventure that this grid brings; but most of all, I hope they feel the true sense of family that I feel among the diversely beautiful people of this grid.

Say something about your event, projects, region, or whatever your passion is! 

Some of my biggest projects on this grid are bringing education and the arts to the people of this grid. To me, the virtual world represents the highest level of availability to create and express oneself, be it through the places we create, the music, the art, or creative forms of education. We are all so fortunate to have this amazing platform of creation and to have friends here to share it with.

 Is there anything else you would like to say?

Just keep doing what you do; creating, being supportive of those who do, sharing and showing caring and respect for each other...because if you are not doing those things, you are truly denying yourself the warmth and happiness that doing so will surely bring to you.

There are several of Cat's regions in the Regions section of the blog. Included here are some amazing photos of Cat's Meow taken by Doc Nolan. 


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