Adventure Isles - by Xenon Darrow, photos and AI image by Doc Nolan

 Did you know that AMV has our very own amusement park? Again, I am tackling one of our terribly underutilized treasures here in AMV - Adventure Isles. And why I am putting this here? Because Saturday, May 13th, at 6 am grid time, we are celebrating another outrageous event leading up to our wonderful friends - Passion's and Claude's wedding! Everyone is invited! 

Another amazing project by Chris McCracken (dang, that guy gets around!), Adventure Isles is packed with fun and amusement! There are bumper cars, a tunnel of love, games, and much more! You can try your hand at the basketball hoops, the dart game, the ring toss...and many more fun interactive games. Or you can live out your dream of being the clown at the carnival! Learn how to juggle or do handstands! 

When you first arrive, don't be put off by all the security! I think there are many people trying to sneak in for free. But because we are residents, Adventure Isles is always free for us and our guests. 😉 And watch out for those unsavory guys hanging out at the bathrooms. 😬

There is a roller coaster and all your standard spinning rides that will have you laughing and barfing at the same time. All in all, Adventure Isles is the perfect way to spend the day with your honey or some great friends! Come join in the fun and eat enough hot dogs and ice cream that you are sick, but happy! 

Come on out for the fun! We'd love to see ya! hop:// Isles/24/265/22

And here is a gorgeous AI image that Doc Nolan made with MidJourney and one of his photos:

FOLLOW UP: Those of us that showed up for the adventure had an absolute BLAST! We played so many games and got awesome prizes! April and Passion made up fun gift boxes for those that showed up! Chris really outdid himself with this region, and we are committed to having some great events here once the wedding is finished! Here are some more subdued images by Doc Nolan. 


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